Key Players

ŠunjkaLaw is consisted of legal professionals who are qualified to recognize problems in their early stage, make a close study of Clients’ legal requirements and then solve the problem.

We are a relatively young team, but with the depth of experience which is gained through continuous challenges.

Staying on course and being aware of potential obstacles and opportunities requires lawyers who are able to stay on top of increasingly complex legislation. We are devoted to that and we do our best to protect our Clients’ interests.

A good lawyer has to be business friendly, innovative, creative and dynamic in order to enable his Client’s business to develop smoothly with success.

Through very intense and patient work, we have built a very dynamic, groundbreaking and unconventional, yet a serious and effective legal team. Loyalty to and protection of our Client’s interests have never been subject of any compromise.

The confidence which our Clients have in our work, professionalism and protection of their interests is our business religion.


Tomislav Šunjka

Mr. Tomislav Šunjka is a founder and principal of ŠunjkaLaw, an independent, specialized and focused law firm in Serbia.

His background is business law. Tomislav represented clients who purchase and sell companies in complex cross-border transactions for residents and non-residents as well.

He is a leading authority, unrivaled for complex issues, strategy thinker and focused professional. His knowledge of foreign laws, ex-territorial laws and resources for working internationally has valued his position as an upper class player.

Tomislav is an extraordinary case manager and supervisor in multi-jurisdictions cases and clients want him for that role even if Serbia is not one of the jurisdictions.

As an upgrade of his strong business law background, which gives him in – depth understanding of the business structures and transactions, Tomislav is an exceptional authority in anti – corruption and anti – bribery and integrity, risk assessment, strong tailored strategy and program and Code of Conduct, compliance program and identify gaps, policies and procedures in response to corporations’ risks, and prioritization of high risk operations. He is a certified auditor for ISO Standard 19600 – Compliance management systems and ISO 37001 Standard on Anti-Bribery Management System and a Lead Auditor for the ISO 37301 Standard on Compliance Management Systems. Correspondingly, his practice also includes FCPA, UKBA, SAPIN II compliance and investigation cases and works, anti – fraud and worldwide civil and criminal asset tracing and asset recovery. When a corporate investigation is in question, he is praised for his pragmatic and responsive approach, with strong commitment to find the right solutions for the client. He developed a deep practice of corruption in sport, integrity in sport, compliance in Sport, investigations in sport, complex disputes between leagues and clubs and stakeholders interests.

With his experience, he is an unavoidable client’s choice in civil and commercial complex litigation and white collar cases.

When clients have crises, they deliver the managing of crises and damage control to his hands with full confidence. In CRISES he will always find RESOLUTIONS and AN EXIT. When they need background and prior analyses, they rely on his findings.

In Sanction and International trade cases Tomislav is the first choice for Clients from Russia, to bridge and be a case preparator and manager of a team, together with our strategic partner in Washington DC, in different procedures before the USA authorities.

As a founder member and Council member of BRILA, he supports the interest of Chinese clients on Belt and Road and opposite western clients in the Chinese market.

Šunjka is the current Co-Chair Asset Recovery Committee of the International Bar Association and former European representative in the IBA’s Anti-corruption committee.

He is a member of the ICC FraudNet, top tier asset tracing and asset recovery network in the civil fraud section of Chambers Global and a Council member of BRILA.

Velibor Repaja

Mr. Velibor Repaja joined the ŠunjkaLaw in 2004, and since that time he developed a practice that is based on clients’ trust combined with his expertise in legal matters.

He began his legal career in the court, where he acquired much needed insight in legal matters and procedures of litigation. Also, this enabled him to understand the judicial system from the inside very well, which is an advantage when representing his clients before the competent courts. By sitting on the other side of the table, Mr. Repaja knows and understands how judges think, which is of great value to his clients. Ultimately, he decided to become a lawyer after all, because the creativity of the profession appealed to him, and because he values the personal commitment to his clients.

Mr. Velibor Repaja is one of the best business attorneys in the country. His great expertise in business law enables him to understand his client’s goals and act in all applicable legal ways to achieve them and to resolve any extremely complex problems.

When complex litigation is in question, he is a formidable opponent, in part because of his knowledge in the matter and his meticulousness, and because of his former experience of being a part of the judicial system himself.

ŠunjkaLaw represents two shipyards and several cargo and shipping companies who operate on Danube, as an international river and Serbian inland river. Mr. Velibor Repaja is an unrivaled legal expert for brown – water shipping.   His expertise in the Danube shipping matters has to be emphasized.

Mr. Repaja has expert experience in representing clients who are leaders in the international Danube shipping, in both “wet” and “dry” cases.

He is also an expert in international sport matters, representing both individuals and sport clubs, with focus on negotiations and disputes between sport clubs and/or their representative leagues, sport statutory governance and management and control mechanisms.

His clients entrust him with the most difficult legal matters, as he has gained their trust over the years he represented them. New clients easily grow their trust in him, seeing that his approach to work and his methods of work are extremely meticulous and get to the very core of a particular legal matter. He has a sharp eye for detail, but is also aware that only the result counts in the end.

Velibor is a hard working person, focused, completely dedicated, husband, father and a great and loyal friend.

He is a member of the Lawyers Bar Association of Serbia ( ) and the Lawyers Bar Association on Vojvodina ( ) .

Branka Stojanović-Šunjka

Mrs.Branka Stojanović Šunjka became an attorney at law in 1996., and she joined the ŠunjkaLaw in 2001. Since then she has worked her way in providing her clients with the best possible advice in legal matters and building a relationship of understanding clients’ most complex problems and needs.

Mrs. Branka Stojanović Šunjka is an expert in private and family law, and an excellent divorce attorney, whose main goal is to execute the divorce in a consensual way, leaving the participants in as good relations as possible, considering the situation. When this is not possible, she represents clients’ interest with consideration. Her focus is on complex family law and inheritance law issues, with multiple jurisdictions, family issues with multiple citizenships of both parents and children, cross border properties issues and similar, dividing the property in divorce procedures, dividing/splitting the local companies, multinational companies, cross border properties issues, international inheritance and property law and cases.

She also deals with a range of business law and complex litigation issues in connection with the above matters.

She is an expert in real estate cases as a part of private law, where she always punctually assures the risks and advantages from her clients point of view, performing due diligence of real estate, in renting, letting, leasing and purchasing existing property as well as property still under development.

Her clients always enlist her help in detailed analyses of corporations and individuals around the world.

She feels related to people, the cases she works on and has a strong personal connection with her clients.

Mrs.Šunjka has a well-established practice to help those who need legal help, however are not in a financial position to obtain it, at the level of expertise needed. Bearing said in mind, Mrs.Šunjka has an excellent cooperation with the Social Work Center, and often represents clients of domestic abuse cases, cases involving paternity and maternity determination etc., pro bono.

She is a member of the Lawyers Bar Association of Serbia ( and the Lawyers Bar Association on Vojvodina ( ).

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Ivan Štrbac

Mr. Ivan Štrbac started working in the ŠunjkaLaw in 2010. Before he started his career as a lawyer, he worked at the County Court in Novi Sad (2007-2009) and the Court of Appeals in Novi Sad (2009-2010).

Since then, his area of practice has been business law and complex litigation, especially employment law, where he advises and represents both employees and employers, in negotiations, dispute resolution and before the competent courts, arbitration and other competent bodies. Related to aforementioned, he acquired a vast knowledge in employment contracts, various modes of employment termination and non-competition clauses, and their effect in complex litigation matters.

He is also well versed in all corporate and litigation matters, which gives him a wider perspective when dealing with his clients legal issues.

His aforementioned expertise in business law gives him a wider perspective when dealing with white collar and financial crime, and corporate and internal investigations, in which he is deemed as a major player, with his peers and clients noting his world-class work handling of financial and corporate crime matters and in depth investigation expertise.

He stands out with his great analysis capability, excellent knowledge, open-minded and strategic approach.

Mr.Štrbac also has a LLM degree in the field of International Private Law.

He is a member of the Lawyers Bar Association of Serbia ( ) and the Lawyers Bar Association on Vojvodina ( )

Andrea Fluture

Ms. Fluture is fully trained in the Firm, and started after finishing law school. In the Firm she developed her theoretical knowledge into a practical basis, becoming a lawyer in 2022.

She deals with a wide range of legal issues, including, but not limited to business law, contract law and litigation proceedings, employment law cases, enforcement proceedings. She has a professional focus on ESG.

Andrea is a rising star of our company and a next-generation lawyer.

She is a Member of the Bar Association of Serbia ( and the Bar Association of Vojvodina (

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
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